OnlyWire 2.0 Social Bookmarketing Software

Best Social Bookmarketing software by OnlyWire 2.0

With a little known bookmarking tool I stumbled upon called OnlyWire 2.0. You can bookmark to multiple sites in seconds with this amazing software.

I’ve seen a few other services charging for this type of service -- and quite frankly I don’t know if OnlyWire will remain free for long, although I sure hope the Free Option remains.

Currently to get the service At No Cost, all they ask is that you add One link back to their site from any site or blog you own or control and You’re In!

The social bookmarking sites currently in the OnlyWire network are as follows:

Note of Caution!You want to be very careful not to Spam social bookmarking sites with just your links. Be strategic in your bookmarking by mixing in other sites as well, so that it makes for a good balance. Although Onlywire gives the ability to bookmark to Dozens of bookmarking simultaneously, I usually only do about 4 - 6 at a time (spread out over several hours or daily for each link of mine) so that my linkbuilding will come across more natural to the bookmarking sites and search engines. That's just my way of doing it. You can follow this method or use it as you wish.